Storybird is a great tool for using other people’s artwork to inspire your own stories. This week, 4R students have a chance to try it out.
Think about what we’ve been learning about the rights of children. You could write a story about a right you’re interested in, and maybe some reasons why the right isn’t always met, or about a few different rights, that you feel belong together in a story.
To begin, go to Storybird, log on to our 4R account click CREATE and choose artwork that connects to your story idea. Then start writing and creating pages! Don’t forget to add your first name (only!) to your story.
Here’s an example of a story I wrote, click on it to read!
And here’s a video you could watch if you’re having trouble figuring out how to use Storybird.
This is due the Friday after the October holiday. -Jamie
Jamie, what is the password to the resourses section?
Thanks Thjom